Individual Policies
Generally, premiums paid to fund individual health insurance policies are not tax deductible. There are 2 exceptions:
Health insurance benefit payments, including disability income benefits received from an individual policy, are tax-free.
Business Policies
A company cannot deduct the premiums paid for key person, executive bonus insurance, or insurance purchased on the lives of the business owners to fund a buy/sell agreement or disability buy-out, but can exclude any benefits received from its gross taxable income.
If a disabled partner receives more from a disability income insurance policy than is required to fund a buy-sell agreement, the excess is taxable as ordinary income to the disabled partner.
Business overhead expense insurance is deductible as a business expense and benefits received are tax-free.
Premiums paid to fund group health insurance plans are tax-deductible by the employer; and generally, employees covered under a group health plan are not taxed on benefits received from group insurance. There is one exception:
Disability income payments received by an employee from an employer-paid group disability income policy are included in the employee’s gross taxable income.
When it comes to health insurance, there are tax considerations to keep in mind:
Regarding business policies:
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