1. Introduction
2. CLT Quantitative Reasoning: Tools and Strategies
3. Math Reasoning
4. Geometry
5. Algebra
6. Grammar & Writing; Intro and Passage Types
6.1 The DIRECT Method for CLT Grammar & Writing
6.2 Philosophy/Religion Passage (grammar/writing)
6.3 Historical Profile Passage (grammar/writing)
6.4 Science Passage (grammar/writing)
6.5 Modern/Influential Thinkers Passage (grammar/writing)
7. Grammar & Writing: Question Types
8. Verbal Reasoning
9. Wrapping Up
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6.3 Historical Profile Passage (grammar/writing)
Achievable CLT
6. Grammar & Writing; Intro and Passage Types

Historical Profile Passage (grammar/writing)


This section will apply the DIRECT Method to a CLT Historical Profile passage. Let’s begin with a review of the method. What does the “D” stand for? Why is this important? Test yourself and then check out the spoiler below.


The “D” stands for “Don’t read the passage first.” Unlike the Verbal Reasoning section, where you should read the passage before considering the questions, the Grammar/Writing section contains passages that, by definition, are full of errors needing correction. Reading the passage could lead to significant confusion; it’s better to let the underlined portions point you to where to read and then gather the information you need from the context.

The Historical Profile passage is more likely to contain more modern, accessible language than some other passages. Even if the subject of the passage may be an ancient figure like Homer or Aristotle, the writer is often a more recent figure. The writing is factual rather than narrative and summarizes key information.

DIRECT to the Source: The Historical Profile Passage

In this section, you’ll find the entry for “Karl Marx" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. After each paragraph, you’ll find questions tied to the underlined portions in the paragraph. This format does not exactly mimic the format of the CLT, where the entire passage appears on the left and the questions on the right, so be sure to practice with official CLT materials as well.

Marx provides a two-stage argument for the labor theory of value. The first stage is to argue [1] how if two objects can be compared in the sense of being put on either side of an equals sign, then there must be a “third thing of identical magnitude in both of them” to which they are both [2] reducible. As commodities can be exchanged against each other, there must, Marx argues, be a third thing that they have in common. This then motivates the second [3] stage, which, is a search for the appropriate “third thing”, which is labor in Marx’s view, as the only plausible common element.

1. how

B. for
C. whether
D. that


The answer is D. This sentence structure question concerns a subordinate clause: a statement with subject and verb typically introduced by a word like “which” or “that”. A subordinate clause is not the main part of the sentence, but rather modifies it in some way. We have to look at the logical movement of the sentence, and especially the word “argue” right before our underlined word. It would be unusual to have the phrasing “argue how …” or “argue whether …” so choices A and C seem unlikely. You can certainly “argue for” something, but in that case, the object needs to occur next, as in the phrase “argue for a new approach.” This is not what we see here; rather, the word “if” starts yet another dependent clause indicating, in conditional fashion, what Marx is arguing. With another full clause beginning, we need the phrase “argue that” to lay the foundation for that clause. Once “argue that” is in place, the rest of the sentence follows with an “if … then” structure that could stand on its own if it were included as a separate sentence. This makes sense with “argue that”; following such phrasing, an entire suggestion or proposition makes sense.

If you need to convince yourself of this, imagine starting a sentence, “I would argue that …” and then finishing the sentence with anything that comes to mind. You’ll find that you are always including an entire statement or proposition after “argue that”.

2. reducible

B. reciprocated
C. referred
D. relegated


The answer is A. Word choice questions demand that we pay attention to the context. The language is a bit challenging here, but one element is the phrase “to which”. Looking back further, we find that there is a “third thing” and two other things that somehow relate to that third thing. Rearranging the phrasing, we can summarize the idea as follows: Two things are _____ to a third thing. This helps us see that we need a word we can use with the preposition “to” as well as one that describes the relationship between the “two things” on the one hand and the “third thing” on the other. It would be awkward to say “reciprocated to”; the preposition doesn’t go well with “reciprocated”. Something can certainly be “referred to,” but does it make sense to say that two things are referred to a third thing? That doesn’t sound quite right.

So we are down to reducible and relegated. “Relegated to” is a common phrase; teams in the English Premier League, for example, can be “relegated to” lower leagues if they perform poorly. It’s hard to envision how that could work here, though; two things could be relegated to a lower level but not to a “third thing”. But two things can be reducible to a third thing if there is a way to collapse the two into the third thing or somehow summarize the two things by means of the third. It’s a difficult question, but reducible is best.

3. stage, which, is

B. stage, which is
C. stage: which is
D. stage; which is


The answer is B. A consideration of the sentence structure surrounding this phrase helps us identify the necessary punctuation. We go back to the Clause Test: are there multiple complete clauses here? The sentence begins with “This then motivates the second stage …”, which is a clause that could stand on its own. But all the remaining clauses and phrases, including two clauses starting with “which”, depend on this first part of the sentence. So we can rule out answer choice D because of the semicolon. We need a comma here (not a colon; in some cases, we could put a colon after the word “stage”, but not right before the word “which”); which choice between A and B does it better? Reading the original, we see too many commas; there is no need for a comma after “which”, a word introducing a new clause. Answer choice B is best.

Capitalism can be distinguished from other forms of commodity exchange, Marx argues, in that it involves not merely the exchange of commodities, but the advancement of capital, in the form of money, with the purpose of generating profit through the purchase of commodities and their transformation into other commodities which can command a higher price, and thus yield a profit. [4] Marx’s solution relies on the idea of exploitation of the worker. In setting up conditions of production, the capitalist purchases the worker’s labor power—his or her ability to [5] labor for the day. The cost of this commodity is determined in the same way as the cost of every [6] other; in terms of the amount of socially necessary labor power required to produce it. In this case, the value of a day’s labor power is the value of the commodities necessary to keep the worker alive for a day. Suppose that such commodities take four hours to produce. [7] By contrast, the first four hours of the working day are spent on producing value equivalent to the value of the wages the worker will be paid. This is known as necessary labor. Any work the worker does above this is known as surplus labor, producing surplus value for the capitalist. Surplus value, according to Marx, is the source of all profit.

4. The writer is thinking of including the following sentence here:

Marx claims that no previous theorist has been able adequately to explain how capitalism as a whole can make a profit.

Should the author make this addition?

A. No, because it provides a detail irrelevant to the focus of the paragraph.
B. No, because it contradicts the idea in the following sentence.
C. Yes, because it provides a transition from a discussion of capitalism to a discussion of socialism.
D. Yes, because it sets up the following sentence by posing a question the next sentence will answer.


The answer is D. In some cases, a “rhetorical strength” question like this will present you with material irrelevant to the paragraph. But in this case, the proposed addition seems relevant to the discussion of this paragraph. The sentence following the place where we could insert this sentence refers to Marx’s “solution”. Does this sentence fit well before a “solution”? Indeed it does; it speaks of something “no previous theorist has been able adequately to explain.” That language begs for a solution. This sentence is not only relevant but also clearly non-contradictory to what follows, so choices A and B are eliminated. Choice C sounds good at first with “provides a transition,” but the content here has nothing to do with socialism, even though it is talking about capitalism. There is not a transition from one topic to another. Rather, a difficult question is posed, followed by the way Marx answers it. As choice D says, this part “sets up the following sentence.”

5. labor for

B. labor—for
C. labor, for
D. labor) for


The answer is B. This is a tricky punctuation because, if you only read the phrase “ability to labor for the day,” it sounds as if no punctuation is necessary. But we have to pay attention to the em dash earlier in the sentence, after the phrase “labor power.” The dash there suggests that the author is going to define what is meant by “labor power.” Most naturally, the definition of this phrase is the worker’s “ability to labor,” not the worker’s “ability to labor for the day.” In other words, “labor power” is probably not limited to what the worker can do on one day. Additionally, if we look back further in the sentence, we can see what the phrase “for the day” is intended to modify; it is the length of time for which the capitalist purchases labor power. (The capitalist purchases the worker’s labor power for the day, then the next day that labor power is available for purchase again. This is what the broader context suggests.)

So if we need some punctuation here, which punctuation is best? The rule of thumb with em dashes is that one dash typically demands another to follow. (The exception is when the phrase set off by the first dash ends the sentence, so only a period is necessary.) So we need to choose the answer containing the dash. In sum, think of em dashes as functioning like parentheses, setting off material that explains or elaborates what came before in a way that the sentence could exist grammatically without the added information.

6. other; in

B. other: in
C. other. In
D. other, as in


The answer is B. Before addressing the suitability of the colon in this sentence, let’s use the Clause Test to eliminate other answers. The part after the proposed punctuation reads as follows: in terms of the amount of socially necessary labor power required to produce it. Reading this part of the sentence on its own shows us that it could not stand on its own as an independent clause. According to the Clause Test, therefore, we must rule out choice A (semicolon) and choice C (period). What about choice D? A comma should work in the case of one clause being “incomplete” (dependent), but choice D adds the word “as”. There is no reason to add the word “as” and it reads awkwardly in the context of the whole sentence.

That leaves us with choice B, and a colon, being one of the flexible punctuation marks, is certainly permissible here. But a colon makes especially good sense because it is meant to introduce something that explains; put simply, a colon can be seen as announcing, “Here it is!” The sentence talks about the cost of a commodity being determined “the same way as any other,” which should prompt the reader to say, “Which way is that?” Well, here it is, the explanation that follows the colon explains.

7. By contrast

B. As a result
C. Accordingly
D. Nevertheless


The answer is C. The sentence before this underlined portion reads, “Suppose that such commodities take four hours to produce.” When someone says, “Suppose …” s/he is typically inviting the hearer into a situation which will then be explained. The “Suppose …” sentence mentions four hours of labor, as does the following sentence. This repetition affirms the basically agreeing relationship between the two sentences. We can eliminate choices A and D, as there is no contrast in meaning here.

To decide between choices B and C, it’s helpful to begin with the stronger, more specific wording and see if that choice can be eliminated. Choice B’s “as a result” suggests that there is cause and effect from one sentence to the next. The relationship between the two sentences is not one of cause and effect but rather of similarity or, we might say, of movement from general to specific. If we “suppose” this length of time to make a certain kind of commodity, the next sentence makes sense, offering a specific explanation of what this means in the context of Marx’s argument. “Accordingly” makes good sense.

It appears to follow from this analysis that as industry becomes more mechanized, using more constant capital and less variable capital, the rate of profit ought to fall. For, as a proportion, [8] least capital will be advanced on labor, and only labor can create value. In Capital Volume 3, Marx does indeed make the prediction that the rate of profit will fall over time, and this is one of the factors which [9] lead to the downfall of capitalism. A further consequence of this analysis is a difficulty for the theory that Marx did recognize, and tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to meet also in the manuscripts that make up Capital Volume 3. It follows from the analysis so far that labor-intensive industries ought to have a higher rate of profit than those which use less labor. Not only is this [10] empirical false, it is theoretically unacceptable. Accordingly, Marx argued that in real economic life prices vary in a systematic way from values. Providing the mathematics to explain this is known as the transformation problem, and Marx’s own attempt suffers from technical difficulties. Although there are sophisticated known techniques for solving this problem now, there is a question about the degree to which they do rescue Marx’s project.

8. least

B. fewest
C. less
D. fewer


The answer is C. We need to make two distinctions to answer this question. The first is between comparative (words like “more” or “less” or ending in “-er”) and superlative (words like “most” or “least” or ending in “-est”). Comparative words compare two things; superlative words compare three or more things. In this case, given the context offered by the previous sentence, the author is comparing two different amounts of capital. So we need a comparative word and can rule out choices A and B.

Do we want “less” or “fewer”? It all depends on whether the noun modified is a counting noun. For instance, “dollar” is a counting noun because we can say “one dollar,” “two dollars,” etc. “Money” is not a counting noun because we cannot say “one money,” “two money,” etc. With a non-counting noun like “capital” (which is what we have here), we need to use “less”. “Fewer” would indicate a noun we count as if there could be one, two, or three of that thing.

9. lead

B. led
C. leads
D. leaded


The answer is C. This is a challenging verb tense question. When asked about verb tense, we typically want to keep the tense consistent throughout the sentence in which it is found. But in this sentence, the previous verb is “will fall.” We would expect that to follow with “will lead,” but that choice is not offered to us. If the future tense is not an option, the general present tense often is best; the author may be talking about what is generally true in light of some prediction of the future. A past tense form won’t work, so we can rule out choices B and D (not to mention that choice D gives us a made-up form; “leaded” is in no way a past tense form of “lead”).

To decide between A and C, we need to consider another grammatical aspect that is present here: subject-verb agreement. It is difficult to say whether the subject of this verb is the pronoun “one” or the noun “factors”. It is true that the meaning of the sentence points to factors as the key idea, but for the grammar decision we must invoke the truism that a word in a prepositional phrase cannot serve as the subject of a verb. In the phrase, “A group of students,” the word group, not the word students, is the subject. Similarly, we need to look back to the pronoun “one” to find our subject here. The word “which” connects to the word “one”, and therefore the verb must be singular. One of the ironies of the English language is that singular verbs are the only present tense forms that use “s”, even though “s” is a plural marker for nouns. We want the word “leads”, as in, “it leads to the downfall of capitalism.”

10. empirical

B. empiricism
C. empiric
D. empirically


The answer is D. This is a part of speech question; do we want a noun, an adjective, or an adjective? The underlined word is next to the word “false” and, together with that word, appears to be describing the pronoun “this”, so this doesn’t seem like the right place for a noun. Choice B is out. Choices A and C give us different options for adjectives; this is likely to mean we can eliminate them both! After all, there can’t be two right answers, can there? Further, we shouldn’t use an adjective here because the underlined word (which means “determined by observation or experimentation”) works well to modify “false”. As you’ve probably learned, an adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, so the adverbial form is what we want here: empirically.

Strategy Insights

  1. When choosing between two similar choices, seek to eliminate the one word more strongly or specifically. A modest, general-sounding answer is more likely to be right than a choice with specific or bold-sounding language.
  2. For “many” versus “much”, “few” versus “little”, and “fewer” versus “less”, ask whether the noun in question can be counted as singular or plural, like dollar/dollars or book/books. If the noun can be counted and pluralized, use many/few/fewer. If not (think of words not usually pluralized, like “money” or “hunger”), use much/little/less.
  3. The subject of a verb cannot fall within a prepositional phrase. In the phrase, “The truth about penguins,” penguins cannot be the subject; the subject must be truth and therefore must use a singular verb. Therefore, we can say, “The truth about penguins is that they are adorable” but not, “The truth about penguins are that they are adorable.”

Make sure to also remember the “Handlebar Rule”: If a word or phrase in a sentence seems not necessary to its grammatical structure, imagine surrounding the word or phrase with commas, then grabbing those commas and pulling out the word or phrase. If the sentence still sounds grammatically correct (even if it has lost a little of its meaning), you have identified a word or phrase that must be preceded and followed by commas.

For Reflection

  1. Rate the difficulty of the CLT Grammar & Writing Philosophy/Religion passage for you from 1 (no problem) to 5 (problem!). This will help you decide how much time to spend preparing for this passage.
  2. Did any of the exercises in this lesson reveal areas of grammar or written expression you need to practice further? Note those carefully and practice them at every opportunity.