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Achievable includes 3 full-length CLT practice exams

Achievable's CLT practice exams provide a realistic simulation of what you will experience on test day. While our review quizzes help you focus on mastering the material, our exams are designed with the similar topic weightings, question phrasing, and difficulty level that you'll encounter on the actual CLT.

Verbal Reasoning section

In the Verbal Reasoning section of the CLT, you'll answer 40 multiple-choice questions in 40 minutes. This section tests your comprehension and analysis of complex texts, including classic literature, historical documents, and philosophical works. You'll be required to identify main ideas, make inferences, analyze arguments, and evaluate rhetorical techniques used by the authors.

Grammar and Writing section

In the Grammar & Writing section, you'll answer 40 multiple-choice questions in 35 minutes. This section focuses on testing your ability to identify and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. You'll also evaluate the clarity and organization of passages, selecting the best revisions to improve the overall writing. In addition to grammar and mechanics, the section challenges your understanding of rhetorical devices and how effectively arguments are presented within the text.

Quantitative Reasoning section

The Quantitative Reasoning section features 40 questions to be answered in 45 minutes. These questions cover a range of mathematical topics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and logic. The focus is not only on solving mathematical problems but also on understanding how to reason quantitatively and apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations.

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