1. Introduction
1.1 What is the AMC?
1.2 What's so special about this course?
1.3 What will we achieve?
1.4 Start with the right mindset
1.5 What to do now
2. Algebra
3. Geometry
4. Number theory
5. Probability
6. Combinatorics
7. What's next?
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1.2 What's so special about this course?
Achievable AMC 10/12
1. Introduction

What's so special about this course?

What’s so special about this course?

There are two barriers to AMC success that newbies pretty much never get through. This course handles both of them.

Barrier #1

You don’t know what to study.

This is a real problem. The AMC covers more material than most any other math test you’ve ever taken.

In the words of the test’s creators, the AMC 12 covers “the entire high school curriculum, including trigonometry, advanced algebra, and advanced geometry, but excluding calculus.”

Okay, great, no calculus, but what does “the entire high school curriculum” even mean?

  1. First, it means that they are allowed to test anything you’ve ever seen before calculus.

  2. But wait, that’s not even the worst part. They are also allowed to test anything that any high schooler might have seen.

Which pretty much means anything at all.

And because this test is “designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills”, they do test pretty much everything and anything.

There are basically only two ways to do this:

  1. Learn absolutely everything
  2. Learn how to use what you already know, plus a little bit more, to answer anything, even if you’ve never seen anything like it before.

Option #1 is what most people try. It doesn’t work.

Option #2 is what this course will help you do. It’s the only way that actually works.

Here’s how. Through this course:

  • …you will refresh the necessary math knowledge that you once learned but don’t remember.

  • …you will also learn a few bits of extra math that are tested here but which are not commonly known.

  • …you will get practice weaving together different ideas that allow you to solve problems that are completely new to you.

This only works if your coach (me) actually knows what material you already know, and what additional material you need for this test. Which, lucky you, I do. So I’m giving it to you in this course.

Barrier #2

It’s practically impossible to memorize this stuff.

This is a real problem, too, but in a different way. It’s not actually impossible to memorize everything that needs to be memorized here. It’s just that it’s too hard to be practical. You don’t have enough time and attention to do the job right.

Here are some of the common ways self-guided memorization goes wrong when preparing for the AMC 12:

  • You keep meaning to get around to it, but you’re always a little too busy with other things
  • You review it a bunch of times, but it never seems to come to mind easily when you’re in the middle of an actual test
  • You memorize the rules, but when you try to use them, things always get a little jumbled
  • You memorize everything, but it isn’t clear which memorized thing you should be using when
  • You memorize everything now, but by the time the test comes around, you’ve forgotten some of it

There are other things you need to be putting your attention on other than the memorization part of this. Lucky for you, built in to this course are some of the best memorization techniques known to exist.

Simply by following the instructions and completing this course and all the related quizzes, you will be taking advantage of decades of research that unlocks easy long-term memorization.

You don’t need to learn the details (though if you’re curious, this web comic explains part of what this course does “behind the scenes” for you). You just need to finish the course, and all those benefits will stack up in your favor automatically.