1. Introduction
1.1 What is the AMC?
1.2 What's so special about this course?
1.3 What will we achieve?
1.4 Start with the right mindset
1.5 What to do now
2. Algebra
3. Geometry
4. Number theory
5. Probability
6. Combinatorics
7. What's next?
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1.1 What is the AMC?
Achievable AMC 10/12
1. Introduction

What is the AMC?

What’s the AMC, and why do I care?

The American Math Competition is an annual opportunity to showcase your math problem-solving skills in a way that makes sense to college admissions committees and impresses them.

There are three versions: The AMC 8, for eighth-graders and under; the AMC 10, for sophomores and under; and the AMC 12, for all high schoolers.

Structurally, it’s a collection of questions given with a time limit, a little like the ACT or SAT.

But it’s different from the ACT and SAT in many ways. It’s more difficult, it’s more highly respected, it’s only given annually, and it can take a little work even just to sign up for it. Also, the top scorers get additional benefits.

If you’re pretty new to the AMC, this might be a good time to pause and get to know it a little better. Here are a few ways to do that right now…

Learn more

  • The AMC can really help you stand out when you apply to a top college. If you want to understand why and how, this podcast interview is a great place to start.