1. ACT Math
1.1 ACT math intro
1.1.1 Overview
1.1.2 ACT updates
1.1.3 Test format
1.1.4 Time management
1.1.5 Understanding word problems
1.1.6 General test-taking strategies
1.2 Pre-algebra
1.3 Elementary algebra
1.4 Intermediate algebra
1.5 Plane geometry
1.6 Coordinate geometry
1.7 Trigonometry
2. ACT English
3. ACT Reading
4. ACT Science
5. ACT Writing
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1.1.1 Overview
Achievable ACT
1. ACT Math
1.1. ACT math intro


Welcome to Achievable ACT!

The ACT will undergo changes starting in the spring of 2025. The ACT updates chapter provides a detailed overview of these changes.

Let’s get started. In this introduction, you’ll learn the most common problems students face and the most efficient ways to combat them. In this first section, you’ll find a chapter dedicated to each math topic on the test using simplified explanations, visuals, and the exact kinds of examples you’ll encounter on the test.

You might be tempted to skip these intro sections since there isn’t any testable content, but bear with us and give them a good once-over read. The high-level tips are still valuable!

Every student has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to this test. Whether this is your first time taking the ACT or you’re a veteran aiming to improve your score, it’s important to tackle these common weaknesses:

Do you…

  • lose track of time on the test?
  • get lost reading long, complicated word problems?
  • have trouble remembering formulas?
  • get stressed out by certain types of questions?

We’ll help you address all these concerns and more.

Practice makes perfect

We’ll be honest. Most books on the ACT have too much teaching and not enough practice. The greatest value of this course comes with the quizzes linked to each topic. These exercises are endlessly and semi-randomly generated to ensure you get all the practice you can take. When we say “endlessly,” we mean it. After a while, you’ll start noticing similarities in the question frameworks, which is good, since that means you’re getting more familiar with what you’ll see on exam day. The numbers and math inside each question will change every time, resulting in trillions of possible versions and infinite opportunities for practice. Each new problem is another step in the right direction.

We’ve taken this test a few times, and in our experience, some kinds of math questions are best learned by actually practicing the math, while others can be easily solved with targeted test-taking strategies. The key to success lies in always being prepared to answer any kind of question. Once you’ve mastered each targeted strategy, when the test throws you a stressful curve ball, you’ll know what to do. As it turns out, one of the biggest secrets to eliminating much of test anxiety and scoring well on the exam is to be so familiar with the content that there’s virtually no way it can surprise you.

We don’t teach most math topics traditionally. Instead, we try to teach them in the most helpful way: all the strategies we teach are ones that students have found effective and relevant when taking the actual test. What we’ve collected here is everything you need to make your ACT dreams achievable.

Let’s get started!